6 fascinating facts about the ‘love hormone’
BBC Earth
Should My Dog Wear A Coat In Winter?
Polydactyl Cats: Hemingway's Favorite Felines With Extra Toes
Why the Human-Animal Bond Is So Important
How Do Cats Purr?
The Dog Days of Science
213 Of The Fluffiest Cats In The World
Bored Panda
How To Socialize a Kitten
PetMD, Photo: The Lucky Neko
Dogs in the middle ages: what medieval writing tells us about our ancestors’ pets
The Power of Pets
NIH News in Health
Which Dogs Live the Longest? Scientists Say Small and Long-Nosed Canines Outlive Others
Smithsonian Magazine
The Health and Mood-Boosting Benefits of Pets
Cutting Dogs' Hair Into Cubes Is Actually A Thing In Japan
Huffington Post
The Heartwarming Friendship Between Gus the Bulldog and Lucky the Chicken Is Pure Magic
Daily Paws
Photographer Dedicates His Life To Help Dogs Get Adopted
The Dodo
Are your cats having fun or fighting? Here are some ways to tell
Science News, Photo: Loan
Why do cats love tuna so much? Scientists may finally know
Do dogs love us?
Cats: The strange and fascinating history of our feline friends
Four Weird Ways Dogs Have Earned Their Keep
Babies who grow up around pets may be less likely to develop food allergies
Popular Science
Dog vision: How do dogs see the world?
Are your cats having fun or fighting? Here are some ways to tell
All-star volunteer dog walker is an animal shelter's best friend
How to Make Your Cat Happy amcny.org
Ohio Dog Daycare Is a 'Happy Place' for Adults with Special Needs to Learn Life and Job Skills
Owner has emotional reunion with 16-year-old dog after he went missing for 7 years
Second Chance at Life: How Service Dogs Help Veterans
Daily Paws
Bringing a dog along for a holiday stay? Make sure to plan
AP News
Second Chance at Life: How Service Dogs Help Veterans
Fear Free Happy Homes
Dog Influencers Belle and Tinker
20 Pet Friendly Colleges
College Raptor
Adding a Second Dog to Your Family: Pros and Cons
Cherished Companions Animal Clinic
You can't hide from your cat, so don't even try
Would Your Pet Make a Good Therapy Animal?
New York Times
The Health and Mood-Boosting Benefits of Pets
A dog was elected mayor to this California town, and he just wants world peace…and treats
Lonely Planet
Pets of the Pandemic Stories
Life and Whim
21 Cats Before And After Adoption That'll Make Your Heart Swell
Here are 11 Happy Animal News Stories That Will Make You Smile
New York Times
Here are 11 Happy Animal News Stories That Will Make You Smile
Happy Dog News: Sweet Labs Pulling Their Senior Dog Sibling in a Cart
Here are 11 Happy Animal News Stories That Will Make You Smile
Chinese Monk Dedicates Life to Rescuing 8,000 Dogs – He Finds Them New Homes Around the World
Good News Network
Dave the kitten brings 'immense joy' to care home
BBC News
Why do cats have belly 'pouches'?
Pup's looking at you, kid: Puppies can understand human cues from very young age
NBC News Health
Cat that vanished 15 years ago is reunited with owner
NBC News Health
Photographer Shows Her Dogs Nature’s Beauty After Rescuing Them From the Streets of Romania
My Modern Met
10 of the most heartwarming animal stories that made us smile in 2020
31-pound cat so cute, he’s irresistible like gravity
Best Friends
5 Animal Stories That Will Make Your Day
World Animal Protection
Can My Cat Tell Time?
These Are The Best Cat-Proof Ornaments
This Dog Was Lost in the Woods for 10 Days With a Winter Storm on the Way–But a Drone Saved the Day
Good News Network
Therapy Dogs from Children’s Hospital L.A. Make Virtual Visits While Social Distancing
What Is Your Cat Trying to Tell You? 'Cat Whisperers' Know
U.S. News & World Report
'Pets Together' Program Helps Seniors, Nurses and More Have Virtual Playdates With Cute Animals
Quarantine Cat Film Fest Will Raise Money to Help Movie Theaters Closed Due to COVID-19
My Co-Anchor Is Pawing at the Door: Back to You in the Studio
New York Times
'The call has been answered':
Animal shelters across the U.S. are emptying amid coronavirus pandemic
NBC News
The ‘world’s worst cat’ just got adopted
Mother Nature Network
17 dogs that really, really love sticks
Mother Nature Network
The Mood-Boosting Power of Pets
More evidence that pets benefit mental health
Medical News Today
Golden Years Dog Sanctuary
Pet Me Magazine
Boy Comes Up With Sweetest Idea To Help Shelter Dogs Get Adopted
The Dodo
How to make your pet happy and healthy (hint, just listen)
National Geographic
‘The Secret Life of Pets’ Is Getting a Theme Park Ride at Universal Hollywood
Travel + Leisure
8 Reasons Pets Improve Your Health And Wellbeing
Something Else to Enjoy With Your Cat: Happy Hour
New York Times
That Shaggy Mutt? At Dog Museums, Our Drooling Companions Are the Stars
New York Times
Yoga with Cats
New York Times
Who Let the Dogs Out (at the Wedding)?
New York Times
The Power of Pets: Health Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions
NIH News in Health
More Pets, Fewer Allergies
New York Times
Want to Take Your Pet on Your Next Vacation? Here Is What You Need to Know
New York Times
Heroic husky rescues injured hiker in Alaska
Mother Nature Network
The day the kitten portal opened up....
Mother Nature Network
These sweet dogs are full of life lessons
Mother Nature Network
Meet Columbo & The Remarkable Humans Who Rescued Him...!
World Animal News
Your Dog Knows When You're Upset, and Wants to Help
Life Science
Pets welcome: Lowcountry apartments cater to furry family members
Post and Courier
10 Great Reasons to Adopt a Cat from a Shelter
Pet Health Network
Henry and Baloo: Dog and cat travel companions gain cult following
A Shelter’s Call For Old Chairs Goes Viral, And The Pets Couldn’t Be Happier
Huffington Post
HIlarious Pet Stories
See pets dressed as superheroes at free Comic-Con event: Find out when PAWmicon cosplay convention is happening
Prosthetic limbs offering pets a new 'leash' on life
Getting a Dog May Save Your Life, Especially If You’re Single
Dog ownership lowers early death risk, study finds

Americans are pet obsessed, spending over $69 billion a year
Hundreds give tearful farewell to heroic war dog
Animal lovers emphasize adopting rescue pets
Hundreds of people dressed as cats break world record
Greyhounds go behind bars to learn how to be pets, teach prisoners responsibilities
GUEST VIEW: Adopting a pet will save a life
The new NOPSI Hotel in New Orleans has a food menu for pets
Hypoallergenic Pets
Non-traditional pets bring benefits with them
Union County Play Explores What Would You Do If Pets Started Talking To You
ASK A DESIGNER: Stylish decor and pets can coexist
Want to buy happiness? Splurge on these 5 things
5 ways to keep your pets happy on July 4
7 Reasons Why Rescuing A Puppy Means Rescuing Your Health
From Westminster to Beverly Hills, It’s All Good For Dogs
Meet Seattle’s rising social media star, Magic the hiking cat
Respect Your Cat (Not That It Cares)
Disabled Man Cries When He’s Surprised With a New Service Dog for Easter
Pet Scoop: Cat Steals the Show at Marlins Game, Bald Eagle Protects Baby From Storm
Stray Cat Wanders Into Nursing Home, Gets Permanent Job Offer
How owning a dog could improve your health
Pet Talk: A cat’s eye view — facts about felines
Leominster Champion
5 Tips To Keep Pets Safe And Spook-Free For A Happy Halloween
5 Tips To Keep Pets Safe And Spook-Free For A Happy Halloween

What Is Your Cat or Dog Dreaming About? A Harvard Expert Has Some Answers
The Most Important Winter Safety Tips for Pets
He may drool a lot, but he's still a hero

Pets enrich our lives, and we enrich theirs
'Hobbes' the cat finds happy home with Parma man: People and their pets

A Heroic Win-Win:
Non-Profit Trains Shelter Dogs For Wounded, Struggling Veterans

Cold Weather Pet Safety
What Our Dogs Teach Us About Aging
Pet Portraits for Rich People You Have to See to Believe
How pets save us billions every year in health care costs (no wonder tails are wagging)
"(Furry) Friends with (Different) Benefits
...pet owners have higher self esteem, fewer feelings of loneliness, and are more physically fit and socially outgoing than people without pets."
"Animals help us be better humans. Quite often, they show us how to be our best selves. Always in the moment, sticking their noses into everything (literally), they see a world that we take for granted, one we're usually just hurriedly passing through on our way to lives we never quite reach."
"Pets are the unrivaled masters of giving back. The pleasure they take in giving themselves to us is perhaps their greatest lesson. Like our animals, we are wired to connect, to reach out, to love. But unlike them, with us other things get in the way - jealousy, insecurity, irritation, anger. Pets help us constantly come back to what makes us human. They're a furry version of our best selves."
23 Dog And Kid Halloween Costumes That Will Make You Squeal
A New York Soup Kitchen for the Homeless—and Their Pets
Survey: Pet Owners are Happier, Healthier, Have Higher Self-Esteem
Pinot and Pooches – Sonoma County for Pets
Pet Tales: Heroic dogs help out all over the U.S.
Pet therapy aiding residents of Freedom Village
Pooch Perk: More Companies Embracing Pet-Friendly Office Policy
The wildly popular cat cafe is re-a-purring in Boston this holiday season
Science Explains Why Golden Retrievers Are Awesome
Pets, especially cats, are good for the heart
Elderly Pets Need Homes Too
Headlines & Global News |
Why You Should Reconsider Buying a Pet Bird This National Bird Day
Your Pet Won't Put Up A Fight This Halloween When Its Costume Supports Shelter Animals
These 4 Charts Explain Exactly How Americans Spend $52 Billion on Our Pets in a Year*
We’re Heading to London! (But How to Take the Dog?)
At Some Weddings, Man's Best Friend Is Man's Best Man
War vets turn to pets to heal |
Plan a paw-sitively pet-friendly wedding |
Mind & Matter: Our Unique Obsession With Rover and Fluffy |
My Pet World - Today, the family dog really is family |
Rover is so over: Human names replace traditional pet names |
Kids and Pets |
Workplace pets help build teams, draw customers |
Unusual Pets Around the World: Not all pet lovers stick to dogs and cats |
The Pet Economy

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